Our roots can be traced back to around 1950 in Priekule, where we started our activity with baking bread. Collecting home-baked bread recipes, over the years we have developed several types of bread that are popular with our customers. The pride of our bakery is the wood-fired oven in which some of the types of bread in our assortment are baked. This allows our customer to taste the taste of real bread, similar to how our ancestors baked it in their farmhouse ovens.
On the other hand, since 1991, the production of confectionery delicacies began in Priekule and continued until May 27, 2022, when the merger with the confectionery workshop in Liepāja, which has existed since 2006, took place. The pastry shop bakes both sweet and savory cookies and muffins, as well as cakes and flatbreads. In total, Maiznīca Priekule has 80 employees.


Maiznīca Priekule stends
“Liepājas Pētertirgū”, Kuršu ielā 7/9, Liepājā

Darba laiks:
P – Sest. 8:00 – 16:00

You can place orders by phone +371 63461208 and receive them on site at our stand.


Maiznīca Priekule is recognized for producing top-quality products that meet the standards of excellence. Our products bear the ZAĻO un BORDO karotīti quality mark. We are a reputable company engaged in the production of bread, flour confectionery, and culinary products.


Priekules baltmaize
Graudu maize Vārpiņas


Druvienas rupjmaize
Saldskābmaize Kurzemes
Rupjmaize “Kukulītis”
Plātsmaize “Biezpiena”
Bulciņas “Kanēļa”
Bulciņas “Kafijas”
Bulciņas “Ievārījuma”
Plātsmaize drumstalu
Plātsmaize ābolu
Rauga mīkla
Smilšu mīkla

* Zaļo karotīti is awarded to products that meet the criteria of increased quality and 75% of the raw materials used in the production of the products are obtained in one European Union member state or region, which is mentioned as the country or region of origin in the scheme indication, for example Latvia.

* Bordo karotīti is awarded to products that meet the criteria of increased quality and whose full processing cycle takes place in one European Union member state or region, for example Latvia.